Monday 7 April 2014

Saturday  05.04.2014  
Mussidan – Montsegur        65kms    581m
It is still not quite light at seven o’clock  but the birds are wittering and twittering so it feels like morning. By eight we had joined our hostess in the ‘kitchen’ where breakfast lay in wait along with our hostess. Plenty to eat and all accompanied by a constant chatter in French requiring unusual levels of concentration so early in the day. Having received our complicated instructions for locking up and ensuring the dog did not escape during our departure, we finally deposited the keys in the round green box and set off on day three.
It has to be said that if it had not been April, I would have been unsurprised to see snow – it was very, very cold and foggy, but Mr. Optimism assured me that it would warm up. Correct as ever and after about 10 kms I needed to use a hedge and also reduce my layers!
Today was another day of continuous ups and downs or, to be posh, peaks and troughs, and not insignificant inclines, hence the rather disappointing mileage. The weather continued to improve and we ate our lunch outside yet another shut church, on a bench in the sunshine which was a real pleasure. Mind you, we are not doing well on getting our cards stamped as everywhere has closed doors!

The final climb into Monsegur clinched the decision to overnight in the town. Located a bar with chambre d’hote and very nice it is too even if the wifi is somewhat inadequate. This is a real Deborah and Brendan place with lots of shabby chic and good taste and probably, most importantly, inexpensive! (and a bar downstairs bren - ed) Tomorrow looks much the same from a pedalling point of view so heads down and off we go again.

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